Minister of Planning and investment hon. Mohamud Beenebeene |Maal Magazine|[/caption Investments into Somalia have sky rocketed since the Appointment of Hon. Mohamud Abdirahman Beenebeene…
Somalia’s Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, H.E. Abdirashid Mohamed Ahmed, has confirmed his participation at African Energy Week (AEW) in Cape Town, where he…
The new Puntland State Bank building, built by the local Albashid Construction Company – ACC, was inaugurated by Puntland President H.E Said Abdullahi Deni, who…
MOGADISHU — Somalia passed a petroleum sector law on Monday, paving the way for exploration in its waters that could potentially transform the troubled country’s…
Shirweynaha Golaha Ganacsiga iyo Maalgashiga Soomaaliyeed oo ku soo gabagaboobay Jabuuti Waxaa maanta 8 August lagu soo gaba gabeeyeyay Hotel Kempinski ee magaalada Jabuuti ,…