0 BUSINESS Wasaaradda Ganacsiga oo Hubineyso Badeecooyinka Dalka la Keeno. Talaado, Juun 21, 2016 (MGQ) — Wasiirka Ganacsiga Somalia, C/rashiid Maxamed Axmed, ayaa shaca ka qaaday in Wasaaradda Ganacsiga ay Qaadeyso Tallaabooyin lagu hubinayo tayada…
0 BUSINESS, E-COMMERCE Piracy Against Somalia’s Fisheries Must End By H.E Hassan S. Mohamud: Somalia is blessed with the largest coastline in continental Africa. Our rich marine waters are some of the most productive…
0 BUSINESS Bosaso tannery: The finest leather on the planet Somalia is fast moving towards industrialisation and manufacturing plants are popping up around the major cities of the country, a fine example is this plant…