Two of the biggest ways we can use less energy are in our home. Switching from incandescent to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) will use up to 75 percent less electricity than incandescent light bulbs and last up to 10 times longer. This one simple change will help you cut your utility bill, while you reduce greenhouse gas emissions that lead to global warming.

The shocking fact is that if every home in America replaced just one incandescent light bulb with a CFL, in one year it would save enough energy to light more than 3 million homes. That would prevent the release of greenhouse gas emissions equal to that of about 800,000 cars.

Another way we can use less energy in our home is to make it more energy efficient. That means, checking that you have adequate ceiling insulation, double or triple pane windows and snug seals to all your outside doors.

Old appliances use more electricity so when you need to choose a major appliance, consider upgrading to a super efficient model. It may cost a bit more, but your long term cost of use will be less and your ‘carbon footprint’ will be smaller.

Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is a healthy practice, but not when the water comes in plastic bottles. Investing in a good home water purification system will give you water that is free of toxic chemicals, tastes good, costs a lot less than packaged water and is better for the environment.

Use a stainless steel water bottle to take water with you and refill as needed. Get mini ones for your children’s lunch box and explain why your family doesn’t drink bottled water. Bring your own travel mug to work or Starbucks and wash and reuse it during the day.

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