Communication is defined as the imparting or exchanging of information or news, or a letter or message containing such information or news. It is the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings through connection between people or places. Good communication will ensure that the person or people receiving the message or information understand the message sent.

Whatever medium or channel of communication you’re using to convey any message you should know and practice good communication to be able to ensure that the people you’re sending your message to will respond immediately or even favorably. The following are some basic and very practical tips on achieving good communication skills to use for personal and professional settings.

1.     Clearly think, define and decide what you’re going to say. You cannot expect anyone who will receive your message to understand, more so respond, to what you’re going to say if you yourself do not have a clear idea of it. Planning is very important especially if the setting is professional and you will address a large group of people or a group of authorities.

Thinking clearly also applies even in impromptu or day-to-day conversations. When you think first on what you’re going to say you have less chance to make a mistake and offend anyone. And you will more likely to convey a clear message.

2.     Be aware of the occasion or the environment you are in and choose accordingly the way you’re going to convey your message or how you will conduct your communication. If you’re on a professional setting, you will do very well to act professionally, use appropriate words without slang or informal intonations, and portray a good credibility with the use of good manners.

On the other hand, if you are addressing friends, old acquaintances or just people in a casual setting, it can be useful to use a more cheerful and inviting tone of communication to help provoke ease. In casual situations, it acceptable to use common words and even physical contact if permitted and appropriate.

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