People like Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs make creating a rich flow of money look easy. They do what they love while generating an infinite flow of cash into their lives, giving billions of dollars to non-profit organizations like it’s pocket change. How can they do this? What are the wealth dynamics that enable Winfrey and Jobs to be so successful by doing what they love to do?

What if I told you the reason they’re so successful is actually because they are doing what they love to do?

First, allow me explain what I don’t mean by the above statement. I don’t mean that simply doing what you love to do will magically bring you cash flow as you hope and pray. I love to eat, but chances are people aren’t going to throw cash at me while they watch me stuff my face all day long.

How do you create cash flow doing what you love, if it’s not automatic?
The formula for creating cash flow is simple: provide massive value for people and they will pay you for that value.

The formula for creating effortless and sustainable cash flow is even simpler: find a way to make doing what you love become the value you provide to others.

This winning combination of providing value plus doing what you love to do is what makes the difference between just generating money and creating lasting wealth.

Here’s the distinction for why this is the winning formula for lasting wealth…

When you’re doing what you love to do, it’s effortless to continue providing massive value for people. When you’re doing anything that you don’t enjoy – providing value to people seems like a struggle. When providing value to people seems like a struggle, you’re more likely to burn out, lose interest, lose steam and even abandon your business all together.

To put it simply: providing value for others creates your cash flow while loving what you do sustains your wealth.

Bruce is an expert in the study and application of wealth dynamics. He leads seminars and coaches entrepreneurs to find their natural talent for creating wealth. For more information about wealth dynamics and how you can find your own natural path to wealth, visit

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