How often do you go to an event, of any kind, and expect IMMEDIATE results when it comes to a return on your investment? This kind of thinking is what can destroy many entrepreneurs. It comes back to the ‘microwave’ thinking, as I call it – we want and expect everything NOW!

For those of you who are gardeners, or who live on/near farms, you know and understand that planting and harvesting rarely happen in the same moment of time. The same holds true in business. You plant a seed, you nurture that seed and then you reap the harvest. To think differently in growing your business and making money causes me to shake my head. Where does that thinking come from? I know, for sure, it does not serve you well.

I am often asked about my own practices when it comes to follow-up and that’s what I want to share with you in today’s article. Keep in mind that there are different steps for different scenarios – so I am going to give you some generic steps to consider and implement.

Whether I am attending a local networking event or speaking on a stage at a major event, it all comes down to your message – the solution you provide. Is your message – your wording – clear and compelling? Does it speak to the needs of the audience/person you are talking to? That’s the absolute first requirement. Otherwise, you may be in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people – and that’s just a waste of time, energy, resources and your reputation.

Action Step:
Practice your message/presentation many, many, many times. It will require tweaking until you get really, really good at this. And, even so, keep practicing. When people start to learn in and ask questions, then you know you’ve hit the nail on the head. Practice in the mirror. Practice out loud. Practice with a friend. Practice on the phone. Then, get out there in front of people, and practice some more.

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Pat has appeared regularly in media and print publications. She has won the 2012 and 2013 STEVIE Awards – Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Canada, the 2014 STEVIE Award for Women in Business – Female Executive of the Year in Canada; was nominated for the 2014 RBC Canadian Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Pat has been named as one of the “Top 100 Women Entrepreneur Experts to follow on Twitter” (@patmussieux)

According to Pat, her most incredible role in life is that of grandmother to 3 outstanding young teens!!

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