Launch Tree is a marketing product that is currently being launched on the Internet. It may or may not be something you want to buy – but it will almost certainly contain some helpful insights into how to build your marketing business.

Launch Tree is concerned with building a business as a movement, as opposed to just selling a product. Its authors are two guys who have built phenomenally successful multi-million dollar businesses by using the principles which they are teaching here step by step.

The idea of the “tree” is that just as a tree can only grow from healthy roots, so your business can only grow if you get its roots or foundations right. As far as your business is concerned , the root is the understanding of the psychology of the customer. Everything else grows from this.

What’s more, just selling a product and stopping there is like a tree without branches. Launch Tree is about using the psychology of the customer to build a product into a business.

So what are some of the steps to growing a product into a business?

  1. When you are developing a product for the market, don’t just think in terms of the product – think from the beginning about what would enhance the product for your customers. If you are marketing a cellphone, think about different add-ons and additional products that would please different individuals with different tastes.
  2. Don’t, whatever you do, try to “sell” the product to the customers. Focus on leading the customers into a positive mindset that will ensure they themselves make a positive decision to purchase. Make sure the customer always feels in control.
  3. Again, once the purchase has been made, don’t try to sell the additional products. Introduce the idea of them in a way that the customer sees how much they would enhance the purchase of the original product and increase its value. There is a very considerable skill in doing this in the right order and with the right timing – but if you can master this skill (which is taught in Launch Tree) you vastly multiply the sales you make from your product – and so a product becomes a business.
  4. Make sure that as each additional product is introduced, it follows logically from the one before. Each product makes sense because it makes more sense of the previous product. If you present the customer with something that has no logical connection with the previous offer, you’ll break your customer’s positive mindset, and risk a No – which means you may have lost the customer.

By now your product is no longer just a product, it’s a business. It has grown naturally from the root of the psychology of the customer, and branched out into a full tree. The authors of Launch Tree have used this concept to make colossal fortunes – so it can’t be all bad!.

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