Differences in aid levels to Somalia are mind-boggling Financial Times notes that Turkey was the third-largest assistance provider to Somalia in 2013-14 after the US and the UK, followed by Sweden, Norway, Japan, Denmark, Canada, Germany and Finland. I’m surprised that Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are not in the top ten since Somalia is a member of the arab league.

Somalia is not an arab country But become a member of the arab league for geo-political reasons But since it has joined this organization it has not benefited politically let alone financially when Somalia needs it the most.

Somalia is one of most resource rich nations on the planet but it has been in civil strife for more than two decades after the fall of the powerful Somali revolutionary Council Milliary Rule of Siad Barre in 1991.

But the Country has made huge strides in last four years with an elected and internationally recognized government in place and relative peace restored the diaspora are returning in their thousands the economy is one of the fastest growing in africa.

Somalia is predicted to start oil and gas production by 2020 the future is bright for the horn of africa nation, if Somalis can continue to put the national interest before clan politics Somalia will not need foreign aid in the near future and certainly not arab money.


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