An illicit trade in Kismaayo

Kenyan troops stationed in the port city of  kismaayo are involved in the destruction of the environment of Somalia by covertly creating export of the…

Resilient Somalia economy

Somalia’s economic growth could accelerate in the next two years if peace continues to prevail, the World Bank has said. World Bank Somalia country Representative…

Hooyo Xaawo Nuur Hiraabe

Xaawo Nuur Hiraabe hooyo ka mid ah labada hooyo ee ku sawiran kunka shilin ayaa sanadkaan 2015ka ku geeriyootay Muqdisho Xaawo Nuur Hiraabe hooyo ka…

Flag carrier to make a come back

Former Somali aviation personalities had recently travelled to germany and have had discussions on the past relationship between Lufthansa and Somali Airline, based on friendship…

Travelport expands to Somalia

Distributions services and e-commerce provider for the global travel industry Travelport has launched business operations in Somalia. The move comes after US-headquartered Travelport has renewed…

Taariikhda Lacagta Somalida

Barashada taariikhda lacagta laga isticmaali jirey dalkeena waa muhiim, waayo waa muraayad laga daalacan karo taariikhda dalka, xiriirkuu la lahaan jirey adduunka intiisa kale, iyo…