Somali startup Gulivery, which provides delivery services to restaurants, shops and e-commerce platforms, has added e-hailing functionalities to its platform. Gulivery developed a mobile app…
Mogadishu, November 8, 2018 – By 2021, foreign investment will add an estimated US$560 million to Somalia’s GDP, an increase that would’ve been impossible to…
Wasiirka maaliyada Soomaaliya C/raxman Ducaale Bayle iyo agaasimaha Bankiga aduunka ee bariga Afrika Bella Bird ayaa magaalada Muqdisho ku kala saxiixday 80 milyankii ee qaybtii…
Kenyan troops assigned to the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom) are profiting from the illegal charcoal trade which is devasting Somalia’s environment, the UN…
Shirkad lagu magacaabo Sahal Hospitality Services oo dhowaan bilowday in Basas uga qaado agagaarka Isgoyska KM4 dadka ka dhoofaya Garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee magaalada…
Abu Dhabi Meeting: A Quest to Steal Somalia’s Election and Maritime Territory. In this week, Somali regional leaders were invited to a gathering in Abu…
Yesterday, a Global Entrepreneurship Studies group published their annual snapshot on entrepreneurialism around the world. And this year, they had a special focus on the…
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has congratulated Somalia “on the anniversary of the country’s national day”, but on the wrong date. Bizarrely, it does not appear…
Business leaders in Somalia have called on Somalis in the Diaspora to see the current economic realities in the country as good opportunities for them…
Somalia’s economy has managed to survive collapse, maintaining reasonable levels of output throughout the two-decade-long civil war. Now, with political recovery and transition underway, Investors have arrived…
economics of major international summit being held in Somalia. A simple interesting study conducted by the students of the University of Somalia on the economic impact…
Shirweynaha Golaha Ganacsiga iyo Maalgashiga Soomaaliyeed oo ku soo gabagaboobay Jabuuti Waxaa maanta 8 August lagu soo gaba gabeeyeyay Hotel Kempinski ee magaalada Jabuuti ,…