Want to have more friends and be more successful? Follow these tips to be a better communicator!

People are not born with communication skills! No one is born knowing how to talk. At birth, you learn how to talk and communicate by watching those around you. Good communication is a skill that can be learned! What a relief to know, right?

I have worked as a communication professional for 22 years and I’m now teaching college students how to communicate effectively. Did you know that communication skills are ranked as one of the top skills that are needed in the workplace? Everyone can benefit from having better communication skills. You can have more friends and be more successful in your career. Look at successful people in business and in life. What do they have in common? Most have excellent communication skills!

Based upon my experiences, I have developed a list of “Communication Life Skills” that are essential for business and personal success.

1. Listen
Listening is a lost art. Be a better listener and you will be everyone’s friend! Plus, you will be more successful in your career. Have you noticed that most people listen to respond, rather than listen to understand? Be Different – listen to understand! Research has shown that a person who listens is considered a better communicator than a person who mainly talks. To listen more effectively:

  • You must be genuinely interested in the other person.
  • Ask a question. Then stop talking. Just Listen.
  • You will learn more from others and be perceived as a great communicator!

2. Read
Reading is considered essential for success in business and your personal life.

  • Read novels for pleasure.
  • Read news to know what is happening in the world and in your community.
  • Read trade journals to keep current with your business.

Reading will help you be more interesting too! No one wants to talk with someone who is dull and uninformed. Have you noticed that most CEOs and entrepreneurs have “reading lists” that they share? Successful people read.

3. Community Involvement
Join a community, religious or charitable organization. Being active in your community will increase your network of friends and help with your communication skills! Talking to more people (and listening) gives you practice in becoming a better communicator. Plus, you are involved with your community with is good for business and personal growth.

Stop by and say hello on my blog or Facebook page! http://www.YourDreamSolutions.com

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